Motorcade Alliance
Excellence in Motion

Motorcade Alliance is the only specific portal aimed to the GITT sector, with validated and certified suppliers with the highest standards in the Government Travel (GITT) sector


Motorcade is integrated into TOP, the Technology platform specializing in the governments and institutions travel by Motorcade Alliance, which allows its members and affiliates to be linked to a platform in which only Governments and Institutions, and the agencies linked to the organization of their trips, are users, where they can select the most appropriate supplier for each type of trip and in any destination in the world.

Motorcade Alliance

Through Motorcade, users (Governments, Institutions and Agencies) can benefit from negotiated rates ('government rates') by destinations and type of services. The members of Motorcade Alliance (validated transportation companies) have the highest skills to provide this type of service, with very specific requirements and needs for this type of travelers.

One of the most requested services by governments and High institutions on each trip is the ground transportation, using in most cases vehicle companies with chauffeured services anywhere in the world.

Motorcade Alliance is, therefore, the only unique technological platform in the private sector of 'Limo Services' that provides invaluable benefits to governments and institutions, as well as to the most qualified suppliers, professionalizing the sector and positioning these vehicle transportation companies as the most prepared to cater governments and High institutions.
Real-time tools

MUT Limo is a specialized tool for managing and monitoring the Governmental services on real-time. It has been designed only for Motorcade Alliance members.

Added value


GITT professional continuos training to get especialization win this sector


GITT certification programs for suppliers


Support to suppliers to achieve the GITT requirements

Governments and Institutions

If you belong to any Governmental Institution and are interested in joining the platform, please contact us.

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Contact for

If you are interesting in offer your services to governments please contact us.

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